long hits = 0;
long lockedEntryCount = 0;
long heapCost = 0;
int backupCount = mapContainer.getTotalBackupCount();
ClusterService clusterService = nodeEngine.getClusterService();
final InternalPartitionService partitionService = nodeEngine.getPartitionService();
Address thisAddress = clusterService.getThisAddress();
for (int partitionId = 0; partitionId < partitionService.getPartitionCount(); partitionId++) {
InternalPartition partition = partitionService.getPartition(partitionId);
Address owner = partition.getOwner();
if (owner == null) {
//no-op because no owner is set yet. Therefor we don't know anything about the map
} else if (owner.equals(thisAddress)) {
PartitionContainer partitionContainer = getPartitionContainer(partitionId);
RecordStore recordStore = partitionContainer.getExistingRecordStore(mapName);
//we don't want to force loading the record store because we are loading statistics. So that is why
//we ask for 'getExistingRecordStore' instead of 'getRecordStore' which does the load.
if (recordStore != null) {
heapCost += recordStore.getHeapCost();
Map<Data, Record> records = recordStore.getReadonlyRecordMap();
for (Record record : records.values()) {
RecordStatistics stats = record.getStatistics();
// there is map store and the record is dirty (waits to be stored)
ownedEntryMemoryCost += record.getCost();
hits += stats.getHits();
if (recordStore.isLocked(record.getKey())) {
} else {
for (int replica = 1; replica <= backupCount; replica++) {
Address replicaAddress = partition.getReplicaAddress(replica);
int tryCount = 30;
// wait if the partition table is not updated yet
while (replicaAddress == null && clusterService.getSize() > backupCount && tryCount-- > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e);
replicaAddress = partition.getReplicaAddress(replica);
if (replicaAddress != null && replicaAddress.equals(thisAddress)) {
PartitionContainer partitionContainer = getPartitionContainer(partitionId);
RecordStore recordStore = partitionContainer.getRecordStore(mapName);
heapCost += recordStore.getHeapCost();
Map<Data, Record> records = recordStore.getReadonlyRecordMap();
for (Record record : records.values()) {
backupEntryMemoryCost += record.getCost();
} else if (replicaAddress == null && clusterService.getSize() > backupCount) {
logger.warning("Partition: " + partition + ", replica: " + replica + " has no owner!");