Base class for all Ext components. All subclasses of Component can automatically participate in the standard Ext component lifecycle of creation, rendering and destruction. They also have automatic support for basic hide/show and enable/disable behavior. All visual widgets that require rendering into a layout should subclass Component (or BoxComponent if managed box model handling is required).
Every component has a specific xtype. This is the list of all valid xtypes:
xtype Class ------------- ------------------ box BoxComponent button Button colorpalette ColorPalette component Component container Container cycle CycleButton dataview DataView datepicker DatePicker editor Editor editorgrid EditorGridPanel grid GridPanel paging PagingToolbar panel Panel progress ProgressBar splitbutton SplitButton tabpanel TabPanel treepanel TreePanel viewport ViewPort window Window Toolbar components --------------------------------------- toolbar Toolbar Form components --------------------------------------- checkbox Checkbox combo ComboBox datefield DateField field Field fieldset FieldSet form FormPanel hidden Hidden htmleditor HtmlEditor numberfield NumberField radio Radio textarea TextArea textfield TextField timefield TimeField@author Sanjiv Jivan