Component that automatically bootstraps a {@link RuntimeModule} based on config parameters passed to Neo4j.
Implementations can expect that if there is the following entry in
com.graphaware.module.x.y = z
where x is the ID of the module, y is the order in which the module will be registered with respect to other modules, and z is the fully qualified class name of the bootstrapper implementation, then x will be passed to the {@link #bootstrapModule(String,java.util.Map,org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService)}method of an instance of z as the first parameter (moduleId). Moreover, from all other entries of the form
com.graphaware.module.x.a = b
a map with a's as keys and b's as values will be passed as the second parameter (config) to the {@link #bootstrapModule(String,java.util.Map,org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService)}method. {@link RuntimeModuleBootstrapper} implementations should document, which key-value configurationsthey expect.
@see com.graphaware.runtime.bootstrap.RuntimeKernelExtension