private JSLintResult buildResults(final String systemId, final long startNanos, final long endNanos) {
return (JSLintResult) contextFactory.call(new ContextAction() {
public Object run(Context cx) {
ResultBuilder b = new JSLintResult.ResultBuilder(systemId);
b.duration(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(endNanos - startNanos));
for (Issue issue : readErrors(systemId)) {
// Collect a report on what we've just linted.
// Extract JSLINT.data() output and set it on the result.
Object o = lintFunc.get("data", lintFunc);
// Real JSLINT will always have this, but some of my test stubs don't.
if (o != UniqueTag.NOT_FOUND) {
Function reportFunc = (Function) o;
Scriptable data = (Scriptable) reportFunc.call(cx, lintFunc, null,
for (String global : Util.listValueOfType("global", String.class, data)) {
b.json(Util.booleanValue("json", data));
for (JSFunction f : Util.listValue("functions", data, new JSFunctionConverter())) {
// Extract the list of properties. Note that we don't expose the counts, as it
// doesn't seem that useful.
Object properties = lintFunc.get("property", lintFunc);
if (properties != UniqueTag.NOT_FOUND) {
for (Object id: ScriptableObject.getPropertyIds((Scriptable) properties)) {
return b.build();