* The data that should be set
private void fillObject(E entry, String[] data) {
for (Field field : entry.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
// check if there is a MapToColumn Annotation
MapToColumn mapAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(MapToColumn.class);
if (mapAnnotation != null) {
// read the annotation column
int column = mapAnnotation.column();
// read the annotation type. If type is Default.class, then
// the type of the field will be used.
Class<?> type;
if (mapAnnotation.type().equals(MapToColumn.Default.class)) {
// use the field type
type = field.getType();
} else {
// use the annotated type
type = mapAnnotation.type();
// load the appropriate value processor
ValueProcessor<?> vp = provider.getValueProcessor(type);