* should not be examined
private void test(Compiler compiler, String[] expected,
DiagnosticType error, DiagnosticType warning,
String description) {
RecentChange recentChange = new RecentChange();
Node root = compiler.parseInputs();
assertTrue("Unexpected parse error(s): " +
Joiner.on("\n").join(compiler.getErrors()), root != null);
if (astValidationEnabled) {
(new AstValidator()).validateRoot(root);
Node externsRoot = root.getFirstChild();
Node mainRoot = root.getLastChild();
// Save the tree for later comparison.
Node rootClone = root.cloneTree();
Node externsRootClone = rootClone.getFirstChild();
Node mainRootClone = rootClone.getLastChild();
int numRepetitions = getNumRepetitions();
ErrorManager[] errorManagers = new ErrorManager[numRepetitions];
int aggregateWarningCount = 0;
List<JSError> aggregateWarnings = Lists.newArrayList();
boolean hasCodeChanged = false;
assertFalse("Code should not change before processing",
for (int i = 0; i < numRepetitions; ++i) {
if (compiler.getErrorCount() == 0) {
errorManagers[i] = new BlackHoleErrorManager(compiler);
// Only run the type checking pass once, if asked.
// Running it twice can cause unpredictable behavior because duplicate
// objects for the same type are created, and the type system
// uses reference equality to compare many types.
if (typeCheckEnabled && i == 0) {
TypeCheck check = createTypeCheck(compiler, typeCheckLevel);
check.processForTesting(externsRoot, mainRoot);
// Only run the normalize pass once, if asked.
if (normalizeEnabled && i == 0) {
normalizeActualCode(compiler, externsRoot, mainRoot);
if (markNoSideEffects && i == 0) {
MarkNoSideEffectCalls mark = new MarkNoSideEffectCalls(compiler);
mark.process(externsRoot, mainRoot);
getProcessor(compiler).process(externsRoot, mainRoot);
if (astValidationEnabled) {
(new AstValidator()).validateRoot(root);
if (checkLineNumbers) {
(new LineNumberCheck(compiler)).process(externsRoot, mainRoot);
hasCodeChanged = hasCodeChanged || recentChange.hasCodeChanged();
aggregateWarningCount += errorManagers[i].getWarningCount();
if (normalizeEnabled) {
boolean verifyDeclaredConstants = true;