assertEquals("template_html1()", call);
// Confirm that we write the correct SafeHtmlTemplates interface
StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
IndentedWriter n = new IndentedWriter(new PrintWriter(s));
String[] expectedInterface = {"interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {", //
" @Template(\"<DialogBox id='{0}'>this is a dialog box</DialogBox>\")", //
" SafeHtml html1(String arg0);", //
" ", //
"}", //
"", //
"Template template = GWT.create(Template.class);", //
assertExpectedStrings(expectedInterface, s.toString());
// Confirm that we write template caller methods
s = new StringWriter();
n = new IndentedWriter(new PrintWriter(s));
String[] expectedCaller = {"SafeHtml template_html1() {", //
" return template.html1(domId0);", //