JType returnType = method.getReturnType();
DefaultMessage defaultText = method.getAnnotation(DefaultMessage.class);
DefaultStringValue stringValue = method.getAnnotation(DefaultStringValue.class);
DefaultStringArrayValue stringArrayValue = method.getAnnotation(DefaultStringArrayValue.class);
DefaultStringMapValue stringMapValue = method.getAnnotation(DefaultStringMapValue.class);
DefaultIntValue intValue = method.getAnnotation(DefaultIntValue.class);
DefaultFloatValue floatValue = method.getAnnotation(DefaultFloatValue.class);
DefaultDoubleValue doubleValue = method.getAnnotation(DefaultDoubleValue.class);
DefaultBooleanValue booleanValue = method.getAnnotation(DefaultBooleanValue.class);
int constantsCount = 0;
if (stringValue != null) {
if (!returnType.getQualifiedSourceName().equals("java.lang.String")) {
throw new AnnotationsError(
"@DefaultStringValue can only be used with a method returning String");
if (stringArrayValue != null) {
JArrayType arrayType = returnType.isArray();
if (arrayType == null
|| !arrayType.getComponentType().getQualifiedSourceName().equals(
"java.lang.String")) {
throw new AnnotationsError(
"@DefaultStringArrayValue can only be used with a method returning String[]");
if (stringMapValue != null) {
JRawType rawType = returnType.getErasedType().isRawType();
boolean error = false;
if (rawType == null
|| !rawType.getQualifiedSourceName().equals("java.util.Map")) {
error = true;
} else {
JParameterizedType paramType = returnType.isParameterized();
if (paramType != null) {
JType[] args = paramType.getTypeArgs();
if (args.length != 2
|| !args[0].getQualifiedSourceName().equals("java.lang.String")
|| !args[1].getQualifiedSourceName().equals("java.lang.String")) {
error = true;
if (error) {
throw new AnnotationsError(
"@DefaultStringMapValue can only be used with a method "
+ "returning Map or Map<String,String>");
if (intValue != null) {
JPrimitiveType primType = returnType.isPrimitive();
if (primType != JPrimitiveType.INT) {
throw new AnnotationsError(
"@DefaultIntValue can only be used with a method returning int");
if (floatValue != null) {
JPrimitiveType primType = returnType.isPrimitive();
if (primType != JPrimitiveType.FLOAT) {
throw new AnnotationsError(
"@DefaultFloatValue can only be used with a method returning float");
if (doubleValue != null) {
JPrimitiveType primType = returnType.isPrimitive();
if (primType != JPrimitiveType.DOUBLE) {
throw new AnnotationsError(
"@DefaultDoubleValue can only be used with a method returning double");
if (booleanValue != null) {
JPrimitiveType primType = returnType.isPrimitive();
if (primType != JPrimitiveType.BOOLEAN) {
throw new AnnotationsError(
"@DefaultBooleanValue can only be used with a method returning boolean");
if (!isConstants) {
if (constantsCount > 0) {
throw new AnnotationsError(
"@Default*Value is not permitted on a Messages interface; see @DefaultText");
if (defaultText != null) {
return defaultText.value();
} else {
if (defaultText != null) {
throw new AnnotationsError(
"@DefaultText is not permitted on a Constants interface; see @Default*Value");
if (constantsCount > 1) {
throw new AnnotationsError(
"No more than one @Default*Value annotation may be used on a method");
if (stringValue != null) {
return stringValue.value();
} else if (intValue != null) {
return Integer.toString(intValue.value());
} else if (floatValue != null) {
return Float.toString(floatValue.value());
} else if (doubleValue != null) {
return Double.toString(doubleValue.value());
} else if (booleanValue != null) {