hatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-canvas-element.html" >HTML5 canvas, with additional methods to decode from and encode to binary formats (such as PNG and JPEG), represented by Blobs. A Gears Canvas is not yet a complete implementation of the HTML5 canvas specification, and there are two significant differences:
- A Gears Canvas is off-screen, in that creating a Canvas object doesn't directly paint any pixels on the screen. Furthermore, for technical reasons, a Gears Canvas is not a DOM Element. On the other hand, you can create a Gears Canvas in a Worker.
- A Gears Canvas does not implement
, and in particular does not provide a 2D context.
This API requires user permission. If you would like to customize the default dialog, you can explicitly call {@link com.google.gwt.gears.client.Factory#getPermission()}.