// Using GadgetImage instead of Image will cache your images on the
// Gadget's Container server. It is a Gadget Ads requirement that all
// embedded assets must be cached.
vp.add(new GadgetImage(
// Adding a waiting message to the RootPanel
Label disclaimer = new Label("Use GWT for your Gadget Ads!");
// Another Logo
vp.add(new GadgetImage(
// Adding the button to go to the GWT website
Button button = new Button("Visit the GWT Website NOW!!");
// When clicking the button, we are redirected to the GWT website.
// We use the AdsFeature.clickDestinationUrl() which will redirect to the
// URL and report the clickthrough hit.
// It is a GadgetAds requirement to use some AdsFeature.reportInteraction()
// or AdsFeature.clickDestinationUrl()
button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Another Logo
vp.add(new GadgetImage(
// Some styling