String t = widgetUi.funnyCharsMessageChildSpan.getInnerText();
assertEquals("funny characters \\ \" \" ' ' & < > > { }", t);
public void suppressedForSafari3Fail_testDomTextNoMessageWithFunnyChars() {
ParagraphElement p = widgetUi.funnyCharsParagraph;
// WebKit does \n replace thing, so let's do it everywhere
String t = StringCase.toLower(p.getInnerHTML().replace("\n", " "));
String expected = "Templates can be marked up for <b>localization</b>, which presents alls "
+ "kinds of exciting opportunities for bugs related to character escaping. "
+ "Consider these funny characters \\ \" \" ' ' & < > > { }, and "
+ "the various places they might make your life miserable, like this "
+ "untranslated paragraph.";