* to stderr and exiting with a failure code, if we are unable to find or load
* it. If successful, store the loaded path in the property swt.mozilla.path
* so SWT's Browser object can use it.
public static void go() {
MozillaInstall mozInstall = MozillaInstall.find();
if (mozInstall == null) {
System.err.println("** Unable to find a usable Mozilla install **");
System.err.println("You may specify one in mozilla-hosted-browser.conf, "
+ "see comments in the file for details.");
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
System.err.println("** Unable to load Mozilla for hosted mode **");
String mozillaPath = mozInstall.getPath();
System.setProperty("swt.mozilla.path", mozillaPath);