mapStatements(stmts, nodeStmts);
return stmts;
private JsSwitch mapSwitchStatement(Node switchNode) throws JsParserException {
JsSwitch toSwitch = new JsSwitch();
// The switch expression.
Node fromSwitchExpr = switchNode.getFirstChild();
// The members.
Node fromMember = fromSwitchExpr.getNext();
while (fromMember != null) {
if (fromMember.getType() == TokenStream.CASE) {
JsCase toCase = new JsCase();
// Set the case expression. In JS, this can be any expression.
Node fromCaseExpr = fromMember.getFirstChild();
// Set the case statements.
Node fromCaseBlock = fromCaseExpr.getNext();
mapStatements(toCase.getStmts(), fromCaseBlock);
// Attach the case to the switch.
} else {
// This should be the only default statement.
// If more than one is present, we keep the last one.
assert (fromMember.getType() == TokenStream.DEFAULT);
JsDefault toDefault = new JsDefault();
// Set the default statements.
Node fromDefaultBlock = fromMember.getFirstChild();
mapStatements(toDefault.getStmts(), fromDefaultBlock);
// Attach the default to the switch.
fromMember = fromMember.getNext();
return toSwitch;