private void replaceImplNameOf(JMethodCall x, Context ctx) {
JExpression arg0 = x.getArgs().get(0);
assert arg0 instanceof JStringLiteral;
JStringLiteral stringLiteral = (JStringLiteral) arg0;
String stringValue = stringLiteral.getValue();
HasName named = null;
JDeclaredType refType;
JsniRef ref = JsniRef.parse(stringValue);
if (ref != null) {
final List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
JNode node = JsniRefLookup.findJsniRefTarget(ref, program,
new JsniRefLookup.ErrorReporter() {
public void reportError(String error) {
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
for (String error : errors) {
logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, error);
if (node instanceof HasName) {
named = (HasName) node;
} else {
// See if it's just @foo.Bar, which would result in the class seed
refType = program.getFromTypeMap(stringValue.charAt(0) == '@'
? stringValue.substring(1) : stringValue);
if (refType != null) {
named = refType;
if (named == null) {
// Not found, must be null
} else {
ctx.replaceMe(new JNameOf(x.getSourceInfo(), stringLiteral.getType(),