long performEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
ChangeNotice[] notices = getChangeNotices(false);
int noticeCount = notices.length;
for (int i = 0; i < noticeCount; i++) {
ChangeNotice notice = notices[i];
Source source = notice.getSource();
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out whether the compilation unit is always resolved, or whether
// we need to decide whether to invoke the "parsed" or "resolved" method. This might be better
// done when recording task results in order to reduce the chance of errors.
// if (notice.getCompilationUnit() != null) {
// notifyResolvedDart(source, notice.getCompilationUnit());
// } else if (notice.getHtmlUnit() != null) {
// notifyResolvedHtml(source, notice.getHtmlUnit());
// }
notifyErrors(source, notice.getErrors(), notice.getLineInfo());
return new AnalysisResult(notices, getEnd - getStart, task.getClass().getName(), performEnd
- performStart);