"Resource request can not be null.");
Set<String> dedupedRacks = new HashSet<String>();
if (req.getRacks() != null) {
if(req.getRacks().size() != dedupedRacks.size()) {
Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(',');
LOG.warn("ContainerRequest has duplicate racks: "
+ joiner.join(req.getRacks()));
Set<String> inferredRacks = resolveRacks(req.getNodes());
// check that specific and non-specific requests cannot be mixed within a
// priority
checkLocalityRelaxationConflict(req.getPriority(), ANY_LIST,
// check that specific rack cannot be mixed with specific node within a
// priority. If node and its rack are both specified then they must be
// in the same request.
// For explicitly requested racks, we set locality relaxation to true
checkLocalityRelaxationConflict(req.getPriority(), dedupedRacks, true);
checkLocalityRelaxationConflict(req.getPriority(), inferredRacks,
if (req.getNodes() != null) {
HashSet<String> dedupedNodes = new HashSet<String>(req.getNodes());
if(dedupedNodes.size() != req.getNodes().size()) {
Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(',');
LOG.warn("ContainerRequest has duplicate nodes: "
+ joiner.join(req.getNodes()));
for (String node : dedupedNodes) {
addResourceRequest(req.getPriority(), node, req.getCapability(), req,