* Replies with the DocOps that were missed by the requesting client.
class DocOpRecoverer implements Handler<Message<JsonObject>> {
public void handle(Message<JsonObject> event) {
RecoverFromMissedDocOpsImpl req = RecoverFromMissedDocOpsImpl.fromJsonString(Dto.get(event));
String resourceId = req.getFileEditSessionKey();
FileEditSession editSession = editSessions.get(resourceId);
if (editSession == null) {
logger.error("No edit session for resourceId " + resourceId);
// TODO: This is going to leave the reply handler hanging.
List<String> docOps = ((JsonArrayListAdapter<String>) req.getDocOps2()).asList();
// If the client is re-sending any unacked doc ops, apply them first
if (req.getDocOps2().size() > 0) {
docOps, req.getClientId(), req.getCurrentCcRevision(), null, resourceId, editSession);
// Get all the applied doc ops the client doesn't know about
SortedMap<Integer, VersionedDocument.AppliedDocOp> appliedDocOps =
editSession.getDocument().getAppliedDocOps(req.getCurrentCcRevision() + 1);
List<ServerToClientDocOpImpl> appliedDocOpsList = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Entry<Integer, VersionedDocument.AppliedDocOp> entry : appliedDocOps.entrySet()) {
DocOpImpl docOp = (DocOpImpl) entry.getValue().docOp;
ServerToClientDocOpImpl wrappedBroadcastDocOp = ServerToClientDocOpImpl.make()