} if (leftValue instanceof Double || leftValue instanceof DoubleValue) { return Double.parseDouble(leftValue.toString()) - Double.parseDouble(rightValue.toString()); } throw new ExpressionEvalException("'-' operation can't be done."); }
} if (leftValue instanceof Double || leftValue instanceof DoubleValue) { return Float.parseFloat(leftValue.toString()) > Float.parseFloat(rightValue.toString()); } throw new ExpressionEvalException("'>=' operation can't be done."); }
} if (leftValue instanceof Double || leftValue instanceof DoubleValue) { return Double.parseDouble(leftValue.toString()) * Double.parseDouble(rightValue.toString()); } throw new ExpressionEvalException("'*' operation can't be done."); }
} if (leftValue instanceof Double || leftValue instanceof DoubleValue) { return Float.parseFloat(leftValue.toString()) > Float.parseFloat(rightValue.toString()); } throw new ExpressionEvalException("'>' operation can't be done."); }
} if (leftValue instanceof Double || leftValue instanceof DoubleValue) { return Double.parseDouble(leftValue.toString()) % Double.parseDouble(rightValue.toString()); } throw new ExpressionEvalException("'%' operation can't be done."); }
} if (leftValue instanceof Double || leftValue instanceof DoubleValue) { return Float.parseFloat(leftValue.toString()) < Float.parseFloat(rightValue.toString()); } throw new ExpressionEvalException("'<' operation can't be done."); }
if (rightValue instanceof StringReference) { right = ((StringReference)rightValue).value(); } return left + right; } throw new ExpressionEvalException("'+' operation can't be done."); }
} if (leftValue instanceof Double || leftValue instanceof DoubleValue) { return Float.parseFloat(leftValue.toString()) <= Float.parseFloat(rightValue.toString()); } throw new ExpressionEvalException("'<=' operation can't be done."); }
} if (leftValue instanceof Double || leftValue instanceof DoubleValue) { return Double.parseDouble(leftValue.toString()) / Double.parseDouble(rightValue.toString()); } throw new ExpressionEvalException("'/' operation can't be done."); }
if (leftValue instanceof BooleanValue || leftValue instanceof Boolean ){ lv = Boolean.parseBoolean(leftValue.toString()); return !lv ; } throw new ExpressionEvalException("'!' operation can't be done."); }