// Get DfpUser from "~/dfp.properties".
DfpUser user = new DfpUser();
// Create the service accountant manager to automatically create
// service accountants on first call and to not retain services.
ServiceAccountantManager serviceAccountantManager = ServiceAccountantManager.getInstance();
// Get the CompanyService.
CompanyServiceInterface companyService = user.getService(DfpService.V201306.COMPANY_SERVICE);
// Get the UserService.
UserServiceInterface userService = user.getService(DfpService.V201306.USER_SERVICE);
// Get the InventoryService.
InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService =
// Turn on retain service here to just retain the creative service.
// Get the CreativeService.
CreativeServiceInterface creativeService = user.getService(DfpService.V201306.CREATIVE_SERVICE);
// Since autoCreateAccountant is set to true in the service accountant
// manager, all service accountants will be created during this method call.
performOperations(companyService, userService, inventoryService, creativeService);
// Get the CompanyService ServiceAccountant.
ServiceAccountant companyServiceAccountant =
// Get the UserService ServiceAccountant.
ServiceAccountant userServiceAccountant =
// Get the InventoryService ServiceAccountant.
ServiceAccountant inventoryServiceAccountant =
// Get the CreativeService ServiceAccountant.
ServiceAccountant creativeServiceAccountant =
// Retrieve the total response time for each service object we used.
System.out.println("CampaignService used "
+ companyServiceAccountant.getTotalResponseTime() + " millisecond(s).");
System.out.println("UserService used "
+ userServiceAccountant.getTotalResponseTime() + " millisecond(s).");
System.out.println("InventoryService used "
+ inventoryServiceAccountant.getTotalResponseTime() + " millisecond(s).");
System.out.println("CreativeService used "
+ creativeServiceAccountant.getTotalResponseTime() + " millisecond(s).");
// Retrieve the total amounts using the ServiceAccountantManager.
System.out.println("There were " + ServiceAccountantManager.getInstance().getTotalResponseTime()
+ " millisecond(s) used all together.");
System.out.println("There were "
+ ServiceAccountantManager.getInstance().getTotalOperationCount()
+ " operations performed all together.");
// Get all services that were retained.
Stub[] retainedServices = serviceAccountantManager.getRetainedServicesForUser(user);
// Recall retained service to use again if needed.
creativeService = (CreativeServiceInterface) retainedServices[0];
// Retrieve the last response time for the creativeService object.
System.out.println("The last call to CreativeService took "
+ serviceAccountantManager.getServiceAccountant(creativeService).getLastResponseTime()
+ " milliseconds.");
// Remove retained service so that it can be garbage collected.
if (serviceAccountantManager.getRetainedServicesForUser(user).length == 0) {
System.out.println("All services were cleared for garabage collection.");
// Remove all remaining retained services for the user, which should be
// none at this point.