public void stylesheet() throws RecognitionException {
String crashingSelector = "p:not([class**=\"lead\"]) {\n color: black;\n}";
ANTLRParser compiler = new ANTLRParser();
ParseResult result = compiler.parseStyleSheet(crashingSelector, null);
//the -3 is correct, even if it seems like huge hack. It sort of is.
//RBRACE }; LBRACE {; RBRACKET ] and LBRACKET [ are (correctly thrown away)
//and one dummy node EMPTY_COMBINATOR is added during the translation.
//therefore there are -3 dummy nodes
//this way of testing malformed trees is bad anyway,this needs to be changed
//for something more readable and stable. (These tests are broken with each tree change)
assertNoTokenMissing(crashingSelector, result.getTree(), -4);