public void run() {
long receiveTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
TaskHandlerExecutor executor = null;
CommandInterpreter.ProxyCommand readCommand = null;
try {
CommandInterpreter commandInterpreter = new CommandInterpreter();
readCommand = commandInterpreter.readCommand(client.getInputStream());
LOGGER.debug("Read Command : " + readCommand);
String pool = readCommand.getCommandParams().get("pool");
// Prepare the request Wrapper
TaskRequestWrapper taskRequestWrapper = new TaskRequestWrapper();
/*Try to execute command using ThreadPool, if "pool" is found in the command, else the command name */
if (pool != null) {
executor = (TaskHandlerExecutor) repository.getExecutor(readCommand.getCommand(), pool, taskRequestWrapper);
} else {
executor = (TaskHandlerExecutor) repository.getExecutor(readCommand.getCommand(), readCommand.getCommand(), taskRequestWrapper);
TaskResult result;
/* execute */
if (executor.getCallInvocationType() == TaskHandler.SYNC_CALL) {
result = executor.execute();
} else {
/* dont wait for the result. send back a response that the call has been dispatched for async execution */
result = new TaskResult(true, TaskHandlerExecutor.ASYNC_QUEUED);
LOGGER.debug("The output is: " + result);
// write the results to the socket output
commandInterpreter.writeCommandExecutionResponse(client.getOutputStream(), result);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error in processing command : " + e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
if (eventProducer != null) {
// Publishes event both in case of success and failure.