Package com.flansmod.common.driveables

Examples of com.flansmod.common.driveables.DriveableType

  public void initGui()
    DriveableType type = entity.getDriveableType();
    //Cargo button
    GuiButton cargoButton = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 60, height / 2 - 71, 58, 20, "Cargo");
    cargoButton.enabled = type.numCargoSlots > 0;
    //Gun button
    GuiButton gunsButton = new GuiButton(1, width / 2 + 2, height / 2 - 71, 58, 20, "Guns");
    gunsButton.enabled = type.ammoSlots() > 0;
    //Fuel button
    GuiButton fuelButton = new GuiButton(2, width / 2 -60, height / 2 - 49, 58, 20, "Fuel");
    fuelButton.enabled = type.fuelTankSize > 0;
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        //If the number is within the bounds of the list
        if(blueprintNumber < DriveableType.types.size())
          //Draw the driveable item
          DriveableType type = DriveableType.types.get(blueprintNumber);
          drawSlotInventory(new ItemStack(type.item), guiOriginX + 8 + n * 18, guiOriginY + 18 + m * 18);
    //Increment the spinner to spin the driveable. Wheeee!

    //Return if the selectedBlueprint is invalid
    if(selectedBlueprint >= DriveableType.types.size())
    //Make this true and then set it back to false as soon as a problem occurs in finding the required parts
    canCraft = true;
    //Get the currently selected driveable type and check its not null
    DriveableType selectedType = DriveableType.types.get(selectedBlueprint);
    if(selectedType != null)
      //Render rotating driveable model
      GL11.glTranslatef(w / 2 - 46, h /2 - 10, 100);
      if(selectedType instanceof MechaType)
        GL11.glTranslatef(0, 15, 0);
      GL11.glScalef(-50F * selectedType.modelScale / selectedType.cameraDistance, 50F * selectedType.modelScale / selectedType.cameraDistance, 50F * selectedType.modelScale / selectedType.cameraDistance);
      GL11.glRotatef(180F, 0F, 0F, 1F);
      GL11.glRotatef(30F, 1F, 0F, 0F);
      GL11.glRotatef(spinner / 5F, 0F, 1F, 0F);
      recipeName =;
      if (recipeName.length() > 16)
        recipeName = recipeName.substring(0, 15) + "...";
      //Render the info text alongside the driveable
      drawString(fontRendererObj, recipeName , guiOriginX + 82, guiOriginY + 64, 0xffffff);
      drawString(fontRendererObj, "Cargo Slots : " + selectedType.numCargoSlots, guiOriginX + 82, guiOriginY + 74, 0xffffff);
      drawString(fontRendererObj, "Bomb Slots : " + selectedType.numBombSlots, guiOriginX + 82, guiOriginY + 84, 0xffffff);
      drawString(fontRendererObj, "Passengers : " + selectedType.numPassengers, guiOriginX + 82, guiOriginY + 94, 0xffffff);
      drawString(fontRendererObj, "Guns : " + (selectedType.ammoSlots()), guiOriginX + 82, guiOriginY + 104, 0xffffff);
      drawString(fontRendererObj, selectedType.numEngines() + "x", guiOriginX + 100, guiOriginY + 141, 0xffffff);
      //Create a temporary copy of the player inventory in order to work out whether the player has each of the itemstacks required
      InventoryPlayer temporaryInventory = new InventoryPlayer(null);
      //Draw the recipe items
      //Iterate over rows then columns
      for(int r = 0; r < 3; r++)
        for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
          //Work out what recipe item this is
          int recipeItemNumber = recipeScroll * 4 + r * 4 + c;
          //If this is actually a valid recipe item
          if(recipeItemNumber < selectedType.recipe.size())
            //Get the itemstack required by the recipe
            ItemStack recipeStack = selectedType.recipe.get(recipeItemNumber);
            //The total amount of items found that match this recipe stack
            int totalAmountFound = 0;
            //Iterate over the temporary inventory
            for(int n = 0; n < temporaryInventory.getSizeInventory(); n++)
              //Get the stack in each slot
              ItemStack stackInSlot = temporaryInventory.getStackInSlot(n);
              //If the stack is what we want
              if(stackInSlot != null && stackInSlot.getItem() == recipeStack.getItem() && stackInSlot.getItemDamage() == recipeStack.getItemDamage())
                //Work out the amount to take from the stack
                int amountFound = Math.min(stackInSlot.stackSize, recipeStack.stackSize - totalAmountFound);
                //Take it
                stackInSlot.stackSize -= amountFound;
                //Check for empty stacks
                if(stackInSlot.stackSize <= 0)
                  stackInSlot = null;
                //Put the modified stack back in the inventory
                temporaryInventory.setInventorySlotContents(n, stackInSlot);
                //Increase the amount found counter
                totalAmountFound += amountFound;
                //If we have enough, stop looking
                if(totalAmountFound == recipeStack.stackSize)
            //If we didn't find enough, give the stack a red outline
            if(totalAmountFound < recipeStack.stackSize)
              drawTexturedModalRect(guiOriginX + 8 + c * 18, guiOriginY + 138 + r * 18, 195, 11, 16, 16);
              canCraft = false;
            //Draw the actual item we want
            drawSlotInventory(recipeStack, guiOriginX + 8 + c * 18, guiOriginY + 138 + r * 18);
      //Collect up all the engines into neat and tidy stacks so we can find if any of them are big enough and which of those stacks are best
      HashMap<PartType, ItemStack> engines = new HashMap<PartType, ItemStack>();
      //Find some suitable engines
      for(int n = 0; n < temporaryInventory.getSizeInventory(); n++)
        //Get the stack in each slot
        ItemStack stackInSlot = temporaryInventory.getStackInSlot(n);
        //Check to see if its a part
        if(stackInSlot != null && stackInSlot.getItem() instanceof ItemPart)
          PartType partType = ((ItemPart)stackInSlot.getItem()).type;
          //Check its an engine that we can use
          if(partType.category == 2 && partType.worksWith.contains(EnumType.getFromObject(selectedType)))
            //If we already have engines of this type, add these ones to the stack
              engines.get(partType).stackSize += stackInSlot.stackSize;
            //Else, make this the first stack
            else engines.put(partType, stackInSlot);
      //Find the stack of engines that is fastest but which also has enough for this driveable
      float bestEngineSpeed = -1F;
      ItemStack bestEngineStack = null;
      for(PartType part : engines.keySet())
        //If this engine outperforms the currently selected best one and there are enough of them, swap
        if(part.engineSpeed > bestEngineSpeed && engines.get(part).stackSize >= selectedType.numEngines())
          bestEngineSpeed = part.engineSpeed;
          bestEngineStack = engines.get(part);
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      //Recipe forwards button
      if(x >= 83 && x <= 93 && y >= 177 && y <= 187)
        DriveableType selectedType = DriveableType.types.get(selectedBlueprint);
        if(selectedType != null && recipeScroll * 4 + 12 < selectedType.recipe.size())
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  public void handleServerSide(EntityPlayerMP playerEntity)
    DriveableType type = DriveableType.getDriveable(shortName);  
    //Try to craft the driveable
    FlansMod.proxy.craftDriveable(playerEntity, type);
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Related Classes of com.flansmod.common.driveables.DriveableType

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