Guice module for the Json decoder module. This is the most mature (best tested) topic decoder.
Besides the default field decoder for all the values, it also supports a number of decoders for timestamp specific information. These decoders can be selected with the
dataFormat field.
- iso8601 - decode the value of a json string field as an ISO8601 timestamp; returns a long value which can be mapped to a presto TIMESTAMP.
- rfc2822 - decode the value of a json string field as an RFC 2822 compliant timestamp; returns a long value which can be mapped to a presto TIMESTAMP (the twitter sample feed contains timestamps in this format).
- milliseconds-since-epoch - Interpret the value of a json string or number field as a long containing milliseconds since the beginning of the epoch.
- seconds-since-epoch - Interpret the value of a json string or number field as a long containing seconds since the beginning of the epoch.
- custom-date-time - Interpret the value of a json string field according to the {@link org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter} formatting rulesgiven using the formatHint field.