// Now get value according to Content-Type and Charset
Attribute encoding = currentFieldAttributes
Charset localCharset = charset;
// Default
TransferEncodingMechanism mechanism = TransferEncodingMechanism.BIT7;
if (encoding != null) {
String code;
try {
code = encoding.getValue().toLowerCase();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
if (code.equals(HttpPostBodyUtil.TransferEncodingMechanism.BIT7.value())) {
localCharset = HttpPostBodyUtil.US_ASCII;
} else if (code.equals(HttpPostBodyUtil.TransferEncodingMechanism.BIT8.value())) {
localCharset = HttpPostBodyUtil.ISO_8859_1;
mechanism = TransferEncodingMechanism.BIT8;
} else if (code
.equals(HttpPostBodyUtil.TransferEncodingMechanism.BINARY.value())) {
// no real charset, so let the default
mechanism = TransferEncodingMechanism.BINARY;
} else {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(
"TransferEncoding Unknown: " + code);
Attribute charsetAttribute = currentFieldAttributes
if (charsetAttribute != null) {
try {
localCharset = Charset.forName(charsetAttribute.getValue());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
if (currentFileUpload == null) {
Attribute filenameAttribute = currentFieldAttributes
Attribute nameAttribute = currentFieldAttributes
Attribute contentTypeAttribute = currentFieldAttributes
if (contentTypeAttribute == null) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(
"Content-Type is absent but required");
Attribute lengthAttribute = currentFieldAttributes
long size;
try {
size = lengthAttribute != null? Long.parseLong(lengthAttribute
.getValue()) : 0L;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
size = 0;
try {
currentFileUpload = factory.createFileUpload(
cleanString(nameAttribute.getValue()), cleanString(filenameAttribute.getValue()),
contentTypeAttribute.getValue(), mechanism.value(),
localCharset, size);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);