Specialized POJO serializer that differs from {@link com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.ser.BeanSerializer}in that instead of producing a JSON Object it will output a JSON Array, omitting field names, and serializing values in specified serialization order. This behavior is usually triggered by using annotation {@link com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat} or itsequivalents.
This serializer can be used for "simple" instances; and will NOT be used if one of following is true:
- Unwrapping is used (no way to expand out array in JSON Object)
- Type information ("type id") is to be used: while this could work for some embedding methods, it would likely cause conflicts.
- Object Identity ("object id") is used: while references would work, the problem is inclusion of id itself.
Note that it is theoretically possible that last 2 issues could be addressed (by reserving room in array, for example); and if so, support improved.
In cases where array-based output is not feasible, this serializer can instead delegate to the original Object-based serializer; this is why a reference is retained to the original serializer.
@since 2.1