if (reason instanceof CancellationException) {
// log failure message
TaskInfo taskInfo = getTaskInfo();
if (isSocketError(reason)) {
// don't print a stack for a socket error
log.warn("Error updating task %s: %s: %s", taskInfo.getTaskId(), reason.getMessage(), taskInfo.getSelf());
else {
log.warn(reason, "Error updating task %s: %s", taskInfo.getTaskId(), taskInfo.getSelf());
// remember the first 10 errors
if (errorsSinceLastSuccess.size() < 10) {
// fail the task, if we have more than X failures in a row and more than Y seconds have passed since the last request
long errorCount = this.errorCount.incrementAndGet();
Duration timeSinceLastSuccess = Duration.nanosSince(lastSuccessfulRequest.get());
if (errorCount > maxConsecutiveErrorCount && timeSinceLastSuccess.compareTo(minErrorDuration) > 0) {
// it is weird to mark the task failed locally and then cancel the remote task, but there is no way to tell a remote task that it is failed
RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException(String.format("Too many requests to %s failed: %s failures: Time since last success %s",
for (Throwable error : errorsSinceLastSuccess) {