private List<ConnectorSplit> getSplitsForPartitions(CassandraTableHandle cassTableHandle, List<ConnectorPartition> partitions)
String schema = cassTableHandle.getSchemaName();
String table = cassTableHandle.getTableName();
HostAddressFactory hostAddressFactory = new HostAddressFactory();
ImmutableList.Builder<ConnectorSplit> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
// For single partition key column table, we can merge multiple partitions into a single split
// by using IN CLAUSE in a single select query if the partitions have the same host list.
// For multiple partition key columns table, we can't merge them into a single select query, so
// keep them in a separate split.
boolean singlePartitionKeyColumn = true;
String partitionKeyColumnName = null;
if (!partitions.isEmpty()) {
singlePartitionKeyColumn = partitions.get(0).getTupleDomain().getNullableColumnDomains().size() == 1;
if (singlePartitionKeyColumn) {
String partitionId = partitions.get(0).getPartitionId();
partitionKeyColumnName = partitionId.substring(0, partitionId.lastIndexOf("=") - 1);
Map<Set<String>, Set<String>> hostsToPartitionKeys = Maps.newHashMap();
Map<Set<String>, List<HostAddress>> hostMap = Maps.newHashMap();
for (ConnectorPartition partition : partitions) {
CassandraPartition cassandraPartition = checkType(partition, CassandraPartition.class, "partition");
Set<Host> hosts = cassandraSession.getReplicas(schema, cassandraPartition.getKeyAsByteBuffer());
List<HostAddress> addresses = hostAddressFactory.toHostAddressList(hosts);
if (singlePartitionKeyColumn) {
// host ip addresses
ImmutableSet.Builder<String> sb = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (HostAddress address : addresses) {