* called from copy worksheet
* different from PtgArea3d as PtgAreaErr3d's have not set their firstPtg and lastPtg
public void setReferencedSheet(Boundsheet b) {
int boundnum = b.getSheetNum();
Externsheet xsht = b.getWorkBook().getExternSheet(true);
//TODO: add handling for multi-sheet reference. Already handled in externsheet
try {
int xloc = xsht.insertLocation(boundnum, boundnum);
this.ixti = (short) xloc;
if(ixti>0) this.sheetname= GenericPtg.qualifySheetname(this.getSheetName());
}catch(WorkSheetNotFoundException e) {
Logger.logErr("Unable to set referenced sheet in PtgRef3d " + e);