// Add request properties
// init default properties
addProperty( new TestStepBeanProperty( "Endpoint", false, testRequest, "endpoint", this, false ) );
addProperty( new TestStepBeanProperty( "Username", false, testRequest, "username", this, true ) );
addProperty( new TestStepBeanProperty( "Password", false, testRequest, "password", this, true ) );
addProperty( new TestStepBeanProperty( "Domain", false, testRequest, "domain", this, false ) );
// init properties
addProperty( new TestStepBeanProperty( "Request", false, testRequest, "requestContent", this, true )
public String getDefaultValue()
return createDefaultRequestContent();
public SchemaType getSchemaType()
// first the DOM of the current request
Document dom = XmlUtils.parseXml( getTestRequest().getRequestContent() );
// get matching representations
for( RestRepresentation representation : getTestRequest().getRepresentations( Type.REQUEST,
getTestRequest().getMediaType() ) )
// is request element same as that of representation?
if( representation.getElement().equals( XmlUtils.getQName( dom.getDocumentElement() ) ) )
// this is it, return its type
return representation.getSchemaType();
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
// found nothing.. fall back
return super.getSchemaType();
public QName getType()
return getSchemaType().getName();
} );
addProperty( new TestStepBeanProperty( WsdlTestStepWithProperties.RESPONSE_AS_XML, true, testRequest,
"responseContentAsXml", this )
public String getDefaultValue()
return createDefaultResponseXmlContent();
public SchemaType getSchemaType()
// first the DOM of the current request
Document dom = XmlUtils.parseXml( getTestRequest().getResponseContentAsXml() );
// get matching representations
for( RestRepresentation representation : getTestRequest().getRepresentations( Type.RESPONSE,
getTestRequest().getResponse().getContentType() ) )
// is request element same as that of representation?
if( representation.getElement().equals( XmlUtils.getQName( dom.getDocumentElement() ) ) )
// this is it, return its type
return representation.getSchemaType();
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
// found nothing.. fall back
return super.getSchemaType();
public QName getType()
return getSchemaType().getName();
} );
addProperty( new TestStepBeanProperty( "Response", true, testRequest, "responseContentAsString", this )
public String getDefaultValue()
return createDefaultRawResponseContent();