if (pluginFurnitureCatalogFile.canWrite()
&& (urlUpdate == null
|| urlUpdate.openConnection().getLastModified() < urlModificationDate)) {
// Copy updated resource URL content to a temporary file to ensure furniture added to home can safely
// reference any file of the catalog file even if its content is changed afterwards
TemporaryURLContent contentCopy = TemporaryURLContent.copyToTemporaryURLContent(new URLContent(pluginFurnitureCatalogUrl));
URL temporaryFurnitureCatalogUrl = contentCopy.getURL();
pluginFurnitureCatalogUrlUpdates.put(pluginFurnitureCatalogFile, temporaryFurnitureCatalogUrl);
pluginFurnitureCatalogUrl = temporaryFurnitureCatalogUrl;
} else if (urlUpdate != null) {
pluginFurnitureCatalogUrl = urlUpdate;