* by bandId map of colormaps. The dataset may be composed of more than one raster so we
* gather all the colormaps once and held them here by rasterband id
final Map<Long, IndexColorModel> rastersColorMaps;
final SeRasterColumn rasterColumn;
final SeRasterBand sampleBand;
final long rasterColumnId;
final int bitsPerSample;
try {
SeRasterAttr ratt = rasterAttributes.get(0);
rasterColumn = new SeRasterColumn(connection, ratt.getRasterColumnId());
rasterColumnId = rasterColumn.getID().longValue();
sampleBand = ratt.getBands()[0];
bitsPerSample = RasterCellType.valueOf(ratt.getPixelType()).getBitsPerSample();
} catch (SeException e) {
throw new ArcSdeException(e);
final SeCoordinateReference seCoordRef = rasterColumn.getCoordRef();
if (seCoordRef == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(rasterTableName
+ " has no coordinate reference system set");
LOGGER.finer("Looking CRS for raster column " + rasterTableName);