throw new IOException("Request failed: HTTP "+nHttpResponseCode);
} catch (MalformedURLException em) {
// setActionStatus(ACTION_STATUS_ERROR);
sMsg = sErrPfx+"The PublishServer was configured with a malformed URL";
throw new ImsServiceException(sMsg,em);
} catch (UnknownHostException eu) {
// setActionStatus(ACTION_STATUS_ERROR);
sMsg = sErrPfx+"The PublishServer was configured with an unknown host";
throw new ImsServiceException(sMsg,eu);
} catch (Exception e) {
// setActionStatus(ACTION_STATUS_ERROR);
int nHttpResponseCode = httpClient.getResponseInfo().getResponseCode();
if (nHttpResponseCode == 0) {
sMsg = Val.chkStr(e.getMessage());
sMsg = sErrPfx+sMsg;
throw new ImsServiceException(sMsg,e);
} else {
sMsg = sErrPfx+"[HTTP "+nHttpResponseCode+"] "+httpClient.getResponseInfo().getResponseMessage();
throw new ImsServiceException(sMsg,e);
String response = httpClient.readResponseAsCharacters();