if (protocol instanceof HarvestProtocolAgs2Agp) {
HarvestProtocolAgs2Agp ags2agp = (HarvestProtocolAgs2Agp)protocol;
ArcGISInfo source = ags2agp.getSource();
AgpDestination destination = ags2agp.getDestination();
Ags2AgpCopy copy = new Ags2AgpCopy(source, destination){
private long counter;
protected boolean syncItem(AgpItem sourceItem) throws Exception {
String sourceUri = sourceItem.getProperties().getValue("id");
try {
boolean result = super.syncItem(sourceItem);
rp.createEntry(sourceUri, result);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "[SYNCHRONIZER] Pushed item #{0} of source URI: \"{1}\" through unit: {2}", new Object[]{counter, sourceItem.getProperties().getValue("id"), unit});
return result;
} catch (AgpException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "[SYNCHRONIZER] Failed pushing item #{0} of source URI: \"{1}\" through unit: {2}. Reason: {3}", new Object[]{counter, sourceItem.getProperties().getValue("id"), unit, ex.getMessage()});
rp.createUnpublishedEntry(sourceUri, Arrays.asList(new String[]{ex.getMessage()}));
return false;
} catch (HttpClientException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "[SYNCHRONIZER] Failed pushing item #{0} of source URI: \"{1}\" through unit: {2}. Reason: {3}", new Object[]{counter, sourceItem.getProperties().getValue("id"), unit, ex.getMessage()});
rp.createUnpublishedEntry(sourceUri, Arrays.asList(new String[]{ex.getMessage()}));
return false;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ex;
protected boolean doContinue() {
boolean doContinue = Ags2AgpExecutor.this.isActive();
if (!doContinue) {
return doContinue;
success = true;
if (isActive()) {