Package com.ericdaugherty.mail.server.configuration

Examples of com.ericdaugherty.mail.server.configuration.DefaultSmtpServer

        if( configurationManager.isDefaultSmtpServerEnabled() )
            DefaultSmtpServer[] defaultMXEntries = configurationManager.getDefaultSmtpServers();
            for( int index = 0; index < defaultMXEntries.length; index++ ) {

                DefaultSmtpServer mxEntry = defaultMXEntries[index];
                try {
                    socket = new Socket( mxEntry.getHost(), mxEntry.getPort() );
                    username = mxEntry.getUsername();
                    password = mxEntry.getPassword();
                    return socket;
                catch( Exception e ) {
                    log.debug( "Connection to SMTP Server: " + mxEntry + " failed with exception: " + e ) ;
        else {
                // Lookup the MX Entries

                // Doing a general lookup, clear DNS passwords.
                username = null;
                password = null;

                Record [] records = new Lookup(domain, Type.MX).run();
                if( records == null )
                    records = new Record[0];
                    log.warn( "DNS Lookup for domain: " + domain + " failed." );

                // Convert the MX Entries to strings and sort them in order
                // of priority.
                mxEntries = new String[records.length];
                short priority = 0;
                short nextPriority = Short.MAX_VALUE;
                int mxIndex = 0;
                while( mxIndex < mxEntries.length )
                    for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
                        MXRecord mx = (MXRecord) records[i];
                        if( mx.getPriority() == priority )
                            mxEntries[mxIndex++] = mx.getTarget().toString();
                            if(mxIndex >= mxEntries.length) break;
                        else if( mx.getPriority() < nextPriority && mx.getPriority() > priority )
                            nextPriority = mx.getPriority();
                    priority = nextPriority;
                    nextPriority = Short.MAX_VALUE;
            catch( TextParseException e )
                throw new RuntimeException( "TextParseException while looking up domian MX Entry: " + e.getMessage() );


        for( int index = 0; index < mxEntries.length; index++ ) {

            String mxEntry = mxEntries[index];
            int port = 25;

            // Extract the server and the port if the syntax server:port is used
            int indexPort = mxEntry.indexOf(":");
            if (indexPort >= 0) {
                try {
                    port = Integer.parseInt(mxEntry.substring(indexPort+1));
                catch( Exception e ) {
                    System.out.println("Invalid defaultsmtpserver port: "+mxEntry.substring(indexPort+1)+" - "+e);
                if (indexPort==0) {
                    mxEntry = "localhost";
                    mxEntries[index] = mxEntry + mxEntries[index];
                else {
                    mxEntry = mxEntry.substring(0, indexPort);

            try {
                socket = new Socket( mxEntry, port );
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Related Classes of com.ericdaugherty.mail.server.configuration.DefaultSmtpServer

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