This class contains two HashMaps, m_refersTo and m_referredBy. The first is indexed by WikiPage names and contains a Collection of all WikiPages the page refers to. (Multiple references are not counted, naturally.) The second is indexed by WikiPage names and contains a Set of all pages that refer to the indexing page. (Notice - the keys of both Maps should be kept in sync.)
When a page is added or edited, its references are parsed, a Collection is received, and we crudely replace anything previous with this new Collection. We then check each referenced page name and make sure they know they are referred to by the new page.
Based on this information, we can perform non-optimal searches for e.g. unreferenced pages, top ten lists, etc.
The owning class must take responsibility of filling in any pre-existing information, probably by loading each and every WikiPage and calling this class to update the references when created. @author @since 1.6.1