A {@link ScrollingComposite} can be used the same way as a simple {@link Composite}. The difference between a {@link Composite} and a {@link ScrollingComposite} is that a {@link ScrollingComposite} shows scrollbarsautomatically when it's content becomes to big.
You may noticed that there is a {@link ScrolledComposite}. A {@link ScrolledComposite} is not an easy widget. Inmost cases it's enough to have just a scrollable container for some content that grows dynamically. This task can not be accomplished easily with the {@link ScrolledComposite}. Thus the {@link ScrollingComposite}was created to make just the described task easy and nothing more.
Please note: A {@link ScrollingComposite} uses a {@link ScrolledComposite} as it's parent. So, if you need to get the{@link ScrolledComposite} use the {@link ScrollingComposite#getParent()} method.
@see Composite @see ScrolledComposite @since 1.0