Wrapper class of the GetSellingManagerInventory call of eBay SOAP API.
Title: SOAP API wrapper library.
Description: Contains wrapper classes for eBay SOAP APIs.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009
Company: eBay Inc.
Input property: Sort
- Sets the sorting method for the results.
Input property: FolderID
- Specifies the inventory folder containing the requested inventory information.
Input property: Pagination
- Details about how many Products to return per page and which page to view.
Input property: SortOrder
- Order to be used for sorting retrieved product lists.
Input property: Search
- Specifies types and values to search for in the seller's listings.
Input property: StoreCategoryID
- Specifies a store category whose products will be returned.
Input property: Filter
- Container for the list of filters that can be applied to the inventory information requested.
Output property: ReturnedInventoryCountLastCalculatedDate
- Returns the date the inventory counts were last calculated.
Output property: ReturnedSellingManagerProduct
- Container for information about the requested products and templates.
Output property: ReturnedPaginationResult
- Contains the total number of pages (TotalNumberOfPages) and the total number of products entries (TotalNumberOfEntries) that can be returned on repeated calls with the same format and report criteria.
@author Ron Murphy
@version 1.0