Title: SOAP API wrapper library.
Description: Contains wrapper classes for eBay SOAP APIs.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009
Company: eBay Inc.
- The user's eBay User ID is specified in this field. If this field is used, all retrieved Feedback data will be for this eBay user. Specifies the user whose feedback data is to be returned. If this field is omitted in the call request, all retrieved Feedback records will be for the eBay user making the call. FeedbackID
- The unique identifier of a Feedback record. This field is used if the user wants to retrieve a specific Feedback record. If FeedbackID is specified in the call request, all other input fields are ignored. ItemID
- Unique identifier for an eBay item listing. A listing can have multiple order line items, but only one ItemID. If ItemID is specified in the GetFeedback request, the returned Feedback record(s) are restricted to the specified ItemID. The maximum number of Feedback records that can be returned is 100. TransactionID
- Unique identifier for an eBay order line item. A TransactionID can be paired up with its corresponding ItemID and used as an input filter in the GetFeedback request. If an ItemID/TransactionID pair or an OrderLineItemID value is used to retrieve a Feedback record on a specific order line item, the FeedbackType and Pagination fields (if included) are ignored. CommentType
- This field is used to retrieve Feedback records of a specific type (Positive, Negative, or Neutral) in FeedbackDetailArray. You can include one or two CommentType fields in the request. If no CommentType value is specified, Feedback records of all types are returned. FeedbackType
- This field is used to retrict retrieved Feedback records to those that the user left for other buyers, Feedback records received as a seller, Feedback records received as a buyer, or Feedback records received as a buyer and seller. The default value is FeedbackReceived, so if the FeedbackType field is omitted in the request, all Feedback records received by the user as a buyer and seller are returned in the response. "Feedback Left" data will not be returned in the call response. Pagination
- Controls the pagination of the result set. Child elements, EntriesPerPage and PageNumber, specify the maximum number of individual feedback records to return per call and which page of data to return. Only applicable if DetailLevel is set to ReturnAll and the call is returning feedback for a UserID. Feedback summary data is not paginated, but when pagination is used, it is returned after the last feedback detail entry. OrderLineItemID
- OrderLineItemID is a unique identifier for an eBay order line item and is based upon the concatenation of ItemID and TransactionID, with a hyphen in between these two IDs. An OrderLineItemID can be used as an input filter in the GetFeedback request. If an OrderLineItemID value is used to retrieve a feedback record on a specific order line item, the FeedbackType and Pagination fields (if included) are ignored. ReturnedFeedbackDetails
- Contains the individual feedback records for the user or order line item specified in the request. There is one FeedbackDetailType object for each feedback record. Only populated with data when a detail level of ReturnAll is specified in the request. Not returned if you specify FeedbackID in the request. GrandTotal
- Indicates the number of FeedbackDetailType objects returned in the FeedbackDetailArray property. Only applicable if feedback details are returned. FeedbackSummary
- Summary feedback data for the user. Contains counts of positive, neutral, and negative feedback for pre-defined time periods. Only applicable if feedback details are returned. FeedbackScore
- Indicates the total feedback score for the user. ReturnedPaginationResult
- Contains information regarding the pagination of data (if pagination is used), including total number of pages and total number of entries. This is only applicable when a User ID or no ID (requester option) is specified. ReturnedEntriesPerPage
- Indicates the number of entries (feedback detail) that are being returned per page of data (i.e., per call). Only returned if entries are returned. ReturnedPageNumber
- Indicates which page of data was just returned. Will be the same as the value specified in Pagination.PageNumber. (If the input is higher than the total number of pages, the call fails with an error.) Only returned if items are returned.
@author Ron Murphy
@version 1.0