Title: SOAP API wrapper library.
Description: Contains wrapper classes for eBay SOAP APIs.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009
Company: eBay Inc.
- The category for which to retrieve templates. Enter any category ID, including Motors vehicle categories. This is ignored if you also send MotorVehicles. LastModifiedTime
- If specified, only those templates modified on or after the specified date are returned. If not specified, all templates are returned. MotorVehicles
- Indicates whether to retrieve templates for motor vehicle categories for eBay Motors (site 100). If true, templates are returned for motor vehicle categories. If false, templates are returned for non-motor vehicle categories such as Parts and Accessories. If included as an input field (whether true or false), this overrides any value provided for CategoryID. ReturnedDescriptionTemplate
- The information for one Theme or one Layout. There can be multiple DescriptionTemplates. ReturnedLayoutTotal
- The number of Layout templates returned (that is, the number of DescriptionTemplates for which Type is "Layout"). ReturnedObsoleteLayoutID
- The ID of a returned layout that is obsolete. There can be zero or more IDs. ReturnedObsoleteThemeID
- The ID of a returned theme that is obsolete. There can be zero or more IDs. ReturnedThemeGroup
- Data for one theme group. There can be multiple ThemeGroups in the response. ReturnedThemeTotal
- The number of Theme templates returned (that is, the number of DescriptionTemplates for which Type is "Theme").
@author Ron Murphy
@version 1.0