Title: SOAP API wrapper library.
Description: Contains wrapper classes for eBay SOAP APIs.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009
Company: eBay Inc.
- ID of a category for which to retrieve mappings. If not specified, the call retrieves a map for all categories. AttributeSystemVersion
- A version of the mappings for the site. Typically, an application passes the version value that was returned the last time the application executed this call. Filter that causes the call to return only the categories for which the mappings have changed since the specified version. If not specified, all category-to-characteristics set mappings are returned. This value changes each time changes are made to the mappings. The current version value is not necessarily greater than the previous value. Therefore, when comparing versions, only compare whether the value has changed. MappedCategories
- Contains data about categories that are mapped to characteristics sets. Use this data to determine:UnmappedCategories
- Contains data about categories (if any) whose characteristics set mappings have changed since the version specified in the request. When a characteristics set mapping changes, the data appears in both the UnmappedCategoryArray object (to indicate that the change occurred) and the MappedCategoryArray object. ReturnedAttributeSystemVersion
- Current version of the mappings for the site. This value changes each time changes are made to the mappings. The current version value is not necessarily greater than the previous value. Therefore, when comparing versions, only compare whether the value has changed. ReturnedSiteWideCharacteristicSets
- A list of one or more characteristics sets mapped to the category, if any. Use this information when working with Item Specifics (Attributes) and Pre-filled Item Information (Catalogs) functionality.
@author Ron Murphy
@version 1.0