Title: SOAP API wrapper library.
Description: Contains wrapper classes for eBay SOAP APIs.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009
Company: eBay Inc.
- The ID of the item. The bidders who bid on this item are returned. CallMode
- Specifies which bidder information to return. IncludeBiddingSummary
- Specifies whether return BiddingSummary container for each offer. ReturnedBidArray
- Contains a list of OfferType objects. Each OfferType object represents the data for one bidder and bid. ReturnedHighBidder
- eBay user ID for the user with the highest bid (or the earliest timestamp, in the event of a tie); a second chance offer candidate. ReturnedHighestBid
- Bid amount offered by the HighBidder. ReturnedListingStatus
- Specifies an active or ended listing's status in eBay's processing workflow. If a listing ends with a sale (or sales), eBay needs to update the sale details (e.g., winning bidder) and other information. This processing can take several minutes. If you retrieve a sold item, use this listing status information to determine whether eBay has finished processing the listing so that you can be sure the winning bidder and other details are correct and complete.
@author Ron Murphy
@version 1.0