JpegDirectory directory = metadata.getOrCreateDirectory(JpegDirectory.class);
// The value of TAG_COMPRESSION_TYPE is determined by the segment type found
directory.setInt(JpegDirectory.TAG_COMPRESSION_TYPE, segmentType.byteValue - JpegSegmentType.SOF0.byteValue);
SequentialReader reader = new SequentialByteArrayReader(segmentBytes);
try {
directory.setInt(JpegDirectory.TAG_DATA_PRECISION, reader.getUInt8());
directory.setInt(JpegDirectory.TAG_IMAGE_HEIGHT, reader.getUInt16());
directory.setInt(JpegDirectory.TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH, reader.getUInt16());
short componentCount = reader.getUInt8();
directory.setInt(JpegDirectory.TAG_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS, componentCount);
// for each component, there are three bytes of data:
// 1 - Component ID: 1 = Y, 2 = Cb, 3 = Cr, 4 = I, 5 = Q
// 2 - Sampling factors: bit 0-3 vertical, 4-7 horizontal
// 3 - Quantization table number
for (int i = 0; i < (int)componentCount; i++) {
final int componentId = reader.getUInt8();
final int samplingFactorByte = reader.getUInt8();
final int quantizationTableNumber = reader.getUInt8();
final JpegComponent component = new JpegComponent(componentId, samplingFactorByte, quantizationTableNumber);
directory.setObject(JpegDirectory.TAG_COMPONENT_DATA_1 + i, component);
} catch (IOException ex) {