/** Get the table mapping */
protected ObjectMappingDB getTableMapping( MetaClass mc ) {
// Create the table definition
TableDef t = new TableDef( NameDef.parseName( getTableRef( mc )));
// Get all the possible metafields for this metaclass
Collection<MetaField> fields = mc.getMetaFields();
// Create the mapping
ObjectMappingDB mapping = new ObjectMappingDB( t );
// See if there is a referenced table
InheritanceRef iref = getInheritanceDefinition( mc );
if ( iref != null ) {
// Load the table mapping for the super class
ObjectMappingDB superMap = getTableMapping( iref.getSuperClass() );
// Sets the parent mapping
mapping.setSuperMapping( superMap );
// NOTE: Kind of shady to grab this here and later grab again, prone to bugs on implementation changes...
String coln = getColumnRef( iref.getJoinerField() );
// Create the inheritence definition
InheritenceDef inheritence = new InheritenceDef(
(TableDef) superMap.getDBDef(),
(ColumnDef) superMap.getArgDef( iref.getSuperJoinerField() ),
getColumnRef( iref.getDiscriminatorField() ),
iref.getDiscriminatorValue() );
// Add it to the current table
t.setInheritence( inheritence );
// Remove the fields found in the superclass
fields = new ArrayList<MetaField>();
for( MetaField mf2 : mc.getMetaFields() ) {
boolean found = false;