// check whether the service has been mapped in configuration
if (serviceDataMap.containsKey(serviceName))
// get service data from configuration mapping
ServiceData serviceData = serviceDataMap.get(serviceName);
// check whether the operation has been mapped in configuration
if (serviceData.getOperations().containsKey(operationName))
// get operation data from configuration mapping
OperationData operationData = serviceData.getOperations().get(operationName);
// create an instance of the operation handler setup in configuration
operationHandler = (OperationHandler)operationData.getClassType().newInstance();
catch (Exception ex)
SimpleLogger.Write("Reflection error!");
// setup the handler for unavailable operations as a default
operationHandler = new UnavailableOperationHandler();
SimpleLogger.Write("Operation [" + operationName + "] in Service [" + serviceName + "] not mapped in configuration!");
// setup the handler for unavailable operations as a default
operationHandler = new UnavailableOperationHandler();