// NOTE(SM): finding the "local data app" in windows from java is actually a PITA
// see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1198911/how-to-get-local-application-data-folder-in-java
// so we're using a library that uses JNI to ask directly the win32 APIs,
// it's not elegant but it's the safest bet.
DataPath localDataPath = JDataPathSystem.getLocalSystem().getLocalDataPath("Google");
// new: ./Google/Refine old: ./Gridworks
dataDir = new File(new File(fixWindowsUnicodePath(localDataPath.getPath())), "Refine");
gridworksDir = new File(fixWindowsUnicodePath(JDataPathSystem.getLocalSystem()
} catch (Error e) {
* The above trick can fail, particularly on a 64-bit OS as the jdatapath.dll