String commandFilename = null;
String passwordFilename = null;
Process p = null;
AsyncSink sink = null;
AsyncSink errSink = null;
PerfCounters counters = new PerfCounters();
try {
// Get the COPY TABLE command to issue, write this to a file, and pass
// it in to psql with -f filename. Then make sure we delete this file
// in our finally block.
String copyCmd = getCopyCommand(tableName);
commandFilename = writeCopyCommand(copyCmd);
// Arguments to pass to psql on the command line.
ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
// Environment to pass to psql.
List<String> envp = Executor.getCurEnvpStrings();
// We need to parse the connect string URI to determine the database
// name and the host and port. If the host is localhost and the port is
// not specified, we don't want to pass this to psql, because we want to
// force the use of a UNIX domain socket, not a TCP/IP socket.
String connectString = options.getConnectString();
String databaseName = JdbcUrl.getDatabaseName(connectString);
String hostname = JdbcUrl.getHostName(connectString);
int port = JdbcUrl.getPort(connectString);
if (null == databaseName) {
throw new ImportException("Could not determine database name");
LOG.info("Performing import of table " + tableName + " from database "
+ databaseName);
args.add(PSQL_CMD); // requires that this is on the path.
String username = options.getUsername();
if (username != null) {
String password = options.getPassword();
if (null != password) {
passwordFilename =
PostgreSQLUtils.writePasswordFile(options.getTempDir(), password);
// Need to send PGPASSFILE environment variable specifying
// location of our postgres file.
envp.add("PGPASSFILE=" + passwordFilename);
if (port != -1) {
if (null != databaseName && databaseName.length() > 0) {
// The COPY command is in a script file.
// begin the import in an external process.
LOG.debug("Starting psql with arguments:");
for (String arg : args) {
LOG.debug(" " + arg);
// This writer will be closed by AsyncSink.
SplittableBufferedWriter w = DirectImportUtils.createHdfsSink(
options.getConf(), options, context);
// Actually start the psql dump.
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args.toArray(new String[0]),
envp.toArray(new String[0]));
// read from the stdout pipe into the HDFS writer.
InputStream is = p.getInputStream();
sink = new PostgresqlAsyncSink(w, options, counters);
LOG.debug("Starting stream sink");
errSink = new LoggingAsyncSink(LOG);
} finally {
// block until the process is done.
LOG.debug("Waiting for process completion");
int result = 0;
if (null != p) {
while (true) {
try {
result = p.waitFor();
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// interrupted; loop around.
// Remove any password file we wrote
if (null != passwordFilename) {
if (!new File(passwordFilename).delete()) {
LOG.error("Could not remove postgresql password file "
+ passwordFilename);
LOG.error("You should remove this file to protect your credentials.");
if (null != commandFilename) {
// We wrote the COPY comand to a tmpfile. Remove it.
if (!new File(commandFilename).delete()) {
LOG.info("Could not remove temp file: " + commandFilename);
// block until the stream sink is done too.
int streamResult = 0;
if (null != sink) {
while (true) {
try {
streamResult = sink.join();
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// interrupted; loop around.
// Attempt to block for stderr stream sink; errors are advisory.
if (null != errSink) {
try {
if (0 != errSink.join()) {
LOG.info("Encountered exception reading stderr stream");
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
LOG.info("Thread interrupted waiting for stderr to complete: "
+ ie.toString());