protected List<String> runExport(String [] argv) throws IOException {
// run the tool through the normal entry-point.
int ret;
List<String> generatedJars = null;
try {
ExportTool exporter = new ExportTool();
Configuration conf = getConf();
//Need to disable OraOop for existing tests
conf.set("oraoop.disabled", "true");
SqoopOptions opts = getSqoopOptions(conf);
Sqoop sqoop = new Sqoop(exporter, conf, opts);
ret = Sqoop.runSqoop(sqoop, argv);
generatedJars = exporter.getGeneratedJarFiles();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Got exception running Sqoop: "
+ StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
ret = 1;