if (status.getPath().getName().startsWith("part-m-")) {
SequenceFile.Reader reader =
new SequenceFile.Reader(hdfs, status.getPath(), hadoopConf);
LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
SqoopRecord value =
((Class<SqoopRecord>) reader.getValueClass())
ps =
conn.prepareStatement("SELECT bd, bf, b, c, cl, d, f, l, nc, "
+ "ncl, nvc, r, u, iym, ids, t, tz, tltz, rawcol FROM "
+ OracleUtils.SYSTEMTEST_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE id = ?");
while (reader.next(key, value)) {
// Compare test data from hadoop with data in oracle
Map<String, Object> fields = value.getFieldMap();
BigDecimal id = (BigDecimal) fields.get("ID");
ps.setBigDecimal(1, id);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
assertTrue("Did not find row with id " + id + " in oracle", rs