* when there is a valid FID and a valid filesystem
public FilePageDisplay(String name, final String fidStr) {
FishEye fe = FishEye.getInstance();
final PageHistory history = PageHistory.get();
final List<JoinPair> joinPairs = new ArrayList<JoinPair>();
List<Long> historyFids = history.getRecentFids();
List<String> historyPaths = history.getRecentPaths();
for (int i = 0; i < historyFids.size(); i++) {
joinPairs.add(new JoinPair("" + historyFids.get(i), historyPaths.get(i)));
if (fe.hasFSAndCrawl()) {
if (fidStr != null) {
try {
this.fid = Long.parseLong(fidStr);
final FileSummary fs = new FileSummary(fe.getAnalyzer(), fid);
final long fsFid = fid;
final String fsPath = fs.getPath().toString();
FSAnalyzer fsa = fe.getAnalyzer();
FileSummaryData fsd = fsa.getFileSummaryData(fid);
DataDescriptor dd = fsd.getDataDescriptor();
List<TypeGuessSummary> tgses = fs.getTypeGuesses();
add(new Label("filetitle", fs.getFname()));
add(new ExternalLink("filesubtitlelink", urlFor(FilesPage.class, new PageParameters("targetdir=" + fs.getPath().getParent().toString())).toString(), fs.getPath().getParent().toString()));
// Set up the download file link
IResourceStream hadoopfsStream = new AbstractResourceStreamWriter() {
public void write(Response output) {
WebResponse weboutput = (WebResponse) output;
try {
BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileSummary(FishEye.getInstance().getAnalyzer(), fid).getRawBytes());
try {
byte buf[] = new byte[4096];
int contentLen = -1;
while ((contentLen = in.read(buf)) >= 0) {
weboutput.write(buf, 0, contentLen);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException iex) {
} catch (IOException iex) {
public Bytes length() {
return Bytes.bytes(new FileSummary(FishEye.getInstance().getAnalyzer(), fid).getSize());
ResourceStreamResource resourceStream = new ResourceStreamResource(hadoopfsStream);
add(new ResourceLink<File>("downloadlink", resourceStream));
// querySupported container holds queryform
// queryUnsupported container holds an error message
final boolean querySupported = dd.isHiveSupported() && fe.isQueryServerAvailable(false);
final boolean hasJoins = joinPairs.size() > 0;
add(new WebMarkupContainer("querySupported") {
add(new QueryForm("queryform", new ValueMap(), fid));
history.visitNewPage(fsFid, fsPath);
// Add support for join-choices here
add(new WebMarkupContainer("hasJoins") {