InputSplit[] splits = generateDebugSplits(workDir, job);
System.out.println( "> splits: " + splits[0].toString() );
TextRecordParser txt_reader = new TextRecordParser();
// drop the fully qualified host
//String minus_host = splits[0].toString().split( "" )
long len = 0;
String path = "";
// YES, more clever regex here would be clever.
// I'm on a plane right now and lazy. sue me.
if ( splits[0].toString().startsWith( "file:///" ) ) {
path = splits[0].toString().replaceFirst("file:///", "/").split(":")[0];
len = splits[0].getLength();
} else if ( splits[0].toString().startsWith( "file://" ) ) {
path = splits[0].toString().replaceFirst("file://", "/").split(":")[0];
len = splits[0].getLength();
} else if ( splits[0].toString().startsWith( "file:/" ) ) {
path = splits[0].toString().replaceFirst("file:/", "/").split(":")[0];
len = splits[0].getLength();
} else if ( splits[0].toString().substring(1).equals( "/" ) ) {
// we have something like:
// /user/cloudera/metronome/dbn/mnist/mnist_filtered_conversion_test.metronome:0+20908
len = Integer.parseInt(splits[0].toString().split(":")[2]
//System.out.println("Split Length: " + len + ", versus method: " + splits[0].getLength() );
path = splits[0].toString().split(":")[0];
} else if (splits[0].toString().substring(8).equals( "hdfs:///" ) ) {
// we have something like:
// hdfs:///user/cloudera/metronome/dbn/mnist/mnist_filtered_conversion_test.metronome:0+20908
len = Integer.parseInt(splits[0].toString().split(":")[2]
//System.out.println( "number of slices from ':' " + splits[0].toString().split(":").length );
//System.out.println("Split Length: " + len + ", versus method: " + splits[0].getLength() );
path = splits[0].toString().split(":")[1];
} else {
// we have something like:
// hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/cloudera/metronome/dbn/mnist/mnist_filtered_conversion_test.metronome:0+20908
len = Integer.parseInt(splits[0].toString().split(":")[3]
//System.out.println( "number of slices from ':' " + splits[0].toString().split(":").length );
//System.out.println("Split Length: " + len + ", versus method: " + splits[0].getLength() );
String[] parts = splits[0].toString().split(":");
path = parts[0] + ":" + parts[1] + ":" + parts[2];
//System.out.println("raw path: " + path);
// txt_reader.setFile(splits[0].toString().split(":")[1], 0, len);
txt_reader.setFile( path, 0, len);
MnistHDFSDataSetIterator hdfs_fetcher = new MnistHDFSDataSetIterator( batchSize, 1, txt_reader );